HCL recently announced the Plant for Life initiative for a
greener Noida, in association with the Hindustan
. The objective is to encourage environment conservation and improve
the green cover in and around Noida, Uttar Pradesh.

The Plant for Life initiative will span a period of two
months, during which time eight plantation drives will be conducted in Noida
every Friday. HCL has been allocated safe areas by the Noida Authority (horticulture
department) for plantations. The initiative will involve participation of
students from 20 to 25 schools along with students from the Shiv Nadar
Foundation institutions. Over 400 students participated in the first leg of the

Sundar Mahalingam, chief strategy officer, HCL, stated: ‘The
initiative resonates with our brand’s philosophy “we touch lives”. As HCL and
the Shiv Nadar Foundation have significant presence in Noida, it is a preferred
location to start this campaign. We believe that our school-led approach will
help build awareness among children towards the environment at an early stage
and nurture conscientious citizens of tomorrow.’

the plantation activity, the Plant for Life campaign will engage students
through extra-curricular activities that include essay writing and painting

In the photo: Sundar Mahalingam, chief strategy officer, HCL