The Kerala State Biodiversity
Board has identified 89 alien invasive species of plants that have become a
major threat for the plant biodiversity of ...
The suggestion to form forest advisory
committees (FAC) to speed up the pace of 'forest clearance' process has been
rejected by the environment ministry. ...
Asia-Pacific region is rapidly growing in terms of economy and is steadily
helping millions out of poverty. The availability of basic resources ad
There were several hundred negotiators, each with dozens
of conditions and thousands of opinions, but all agreed to one point: that the
world is gettin...
About 22 alternate energy companies have been shortlisted to set
up solar energy-based power plants in India by NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Ltd, a
The four advanced developing countries Brasil, South Africa,
India, and China (BASIC) have come together and put out a 'same' position
at the negotiations at ...
Representatives of 194 countries finally arrived at Durban with
their own agendas to find solutions to control escalating global
temperatures. Before the...
over 10,000 officials from 194 countries will burn gallons of fuel to reach
Durban, South Africa, on Monday to start conversations from the 'negotiati...
The renewable energy ministry has sought a 10-fold increase in fund
outlay for the next five years. The ministry estimates that Rs 40,000 crore will
be re...
Noticing that facts and data in environment impact reports
(EIR) are being copied from the ones that have been already cleared, the union
environment min...